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Radical Empowerment with Clary Sage


Transition to a higher turn in the spiral of life by rising out of outmoded frequencies, limitations and breaking old belief systems, specifically linked to Feminine healing.

Release reflections and thoughts of who you think you are based on what others think.

Direct perception of who you are. A reconnection to self, with increased self-love, self-acceptance.

Freedom from the shackles of what you think or feel you 'should' be doing.

Understanding you do not need to be a saviour and heal-all for others. Putting self first.

Open heart to receive, trust in the unfolding. Empowerment in the now for helping you prepare and  build the foundations that will hold you strong and centred as your creative journey unfolds and your life path becomes ever more brilliant and luminous.


Clary Sage Flower Essence

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