What's Flowering in our patch in Djeran (April / May 2020)
The sixth and last in a series of blogs where I share what's flowering in our patch. With a deep respect for the traditional custodians of this land, I'm sharing what's flowering during each of the 6 Indigenous seasons, as these are the true season of this land. We are currently around the middle of the Djeran, traditionally known as the season of adulthood when thankfully the cooler weather begins.
Our aim here is to give a majority of our land back to nature and one way we do this is by having an abundance of food in the form of flowers for all endemic fauna - from the tiniest native bees to the largest foraging mammals and birds and everything in between. From trees to groundcovers, natives to edibles, here's our list of plants that are in flower. We hope you find some inspiration from this list for what you could plant in your own garden. (Note: some are only flowering for parts of Djeran and some are flowering throughout the whole season:)

Kunzea baxteri
Native Trees (only some endemic)
Silver Princess - Eucalyptus caesia ssp magna
Gungurru - Eucalyptus caesia ssp caesia
Fuschia gum - Eucalyptus forrestiana
Eucalyptus saligna - Sydney Blue Gum

Silver Princess
Native Shrubs (only some endemic)
Correa - Canberra Bells
Correa - Dusky Bells
Correa alba
Kunzea baxteri
Cut leaf banksia - Banksia praemorsa
Banksia menziesii - dwarf form
Flinders Range Wattle - Acacia iteaphylla (inherited invasive species)
Grevillea Carramar
Grevillea Bonnie Prince Charles
Grevillea Supreme
Grevillea Robyn Gordon
Grevillea olivacea - red and yellow forms
Hakea laurina - pin cushion hakea
Banksia spinulosa - Birthday Candles

Pin Cushion Hakea
Native Groundcovers & Climbers (only some endemic)
Brachycombe daisy
Scaevola purple fanfare
Banksia blechnifolia
Hemiandra pungens - Snakebush

Brachycombe mauve
(This list varies each year to what annual edibles we are growing)
Autumn raspberry canes
California Poppy
Elder flower
Calendula officinalis
Pineapple sage
Cats Ear
Lettuce, Mizuna mustard (we allow some to flower to self seed)
Clary sage
Lemon verbena
Anise hyssop
Eggplant, tomato, chilli, paprika (only April)
Pumpkin (I pick and eat these, it's too late in the season for them to form)

self sown parsley seeds sprouting in a spent snail shell
Ornamental (or non-native) Shrubs/Trees/Groundcovers
Magnolia little gem
Buddlejia yellow, purple, pink (depending on when I prune them)
Osteospermum White Daisy With Purple Center
Tibouchina 'Jazzie'
Mexican marigold
'Hot Lips' Salvia
'Wendy's Wish' Salvia
Purple and white trailing lantana
Convolvulus sabatius purple ground cover
Water Hibiscus
Mexican sage
Geisha Girl

Mexican Marigold with pink Cosmos in the background
And that's a wrap from our patch for April/May 2020 and the last of the blogs listing the flowering plants in our garden for all 6 of the Indigenous seasons.
Garden Blessings
Trac x